What You Need To Know Before Buying Workstation Furniture

If you are in the market for new workstation furniture, whether you’re expanding and need to make way for new employees or you’re upgrading the furniture used by current employees, there are a few things that you need to know before making a purchase. These will help to ensure that you’re making the right choice for your workplace and your individual employees.

workstation furniture

  • Whilst many business owners prefer to put furniture together themselves, it’s always a good idea to check whether your supplier can offer professional installation – just in case you run into issues or you end up not having the time to assemble it.
  • Ensure that the pieces you select can meet your height adjustability requirements and supports the needs of your employees. This applies to desks as well as chairs, as many workers are now choosing to spend a lesser part of the day standing.
  • Keep in mind that repetitive stress injuries can be avoided by simply providing good ergonomics. Therefore, you should always choose furniture that supports this functionality. Everyone’s bodies are different, so the pieces you choose should support this.
  • Any workstation furniture that you purchase should be available in multiple configuration options, as this will ensure that it can be altered and adjusted to meet the needs of the individual. You might need a computer and space to write freehand.
  • Ensure that each workstation you select can easily manage all of your cabling needs. If additional cable extensions are required, can they be accommodated easily? Cables can be dangerous if left lying around on the floor, as they pose a tripping hazard.
  • The furniture that you purchase should be able to accommodate each employee’s equipment requirements. This ranges from monitors and laptops through to telephones and scanners. Many employees will have very different needs to each other.
  • Consider whether screens are required between workstations and, if so, how high they need to be. Screens can be useful for providing employees with privacy (preferable when making phone calls) and for helping to reduce distractions during the work day.

By keeping each of these things in mind whilst shopping, you can ensure that your new workstation furniture choices are perfect. Not only do you need to ensure that it will suit the space available in your workplace, you need to ensure that it has been designed for the comfort of your staff. After all, you don’t want them to develop work-related injuries or illnesses.


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